

DAVE FLAY Music Preparation/ Copying

Before commissioning a copyist, a few points need considering:

  • Accuracy  The prettiest looking piece of music is useless if it is not accurate. All my copying commissions are programmed for playback as well as printing. I can play back the arrangement and check the score, section by section. Errors (arranging errors too!) show up instantly and can be corrected.
  • Legibility Likewise, the most accurate chart is useless if the player has difficulty ascertaining what the arranger/copyist intends him/her to play. I use Finale 2008 software with either traditional music or hand-written "Jazz" fonts. (The choice is yours.View samples) I regularly get calls/emails from musicians just to thank me for making their job easier by creating clear, easy-to-read charts.
  • Reliability The copyist is the last link in the chain with most productions and all "spare" time has usually been used up by performers, choreographers etc. For this reason it is essential that a copyist works quickly and keeps to deadlines. I have NEVER missed a deadline....a few close calls though....... that last minute keychange is a killer! (Fortunately with Finale software changing a key at the last minute is a relatively simple process).
  • Price Price can be a  key consideration in the overall cost of putting on a production. I make every effort to stay within a pre-arranged budget, but should it look likely that costs will exceed the given figure, I will advise you well in advance.  My rates are all the current rates recommended by the British Musicians Union.